
Baby Got Back … end rot.

I had really high hopes that Elenore’s frame damage would be confined to one side, and then repairs would be done in a jiffy, enabling us to take a maiden voyage this fall. I mean, I had a vision, people.


But, as we’ve quickly discovered with vintage trailer restoration, one problem usually leads to another … and another … aaaaand another.

Upon further inspection, it turned out that the entire back end framing also needed to be replaced. We begrudgingly authorized the work, and I admit that I was way more excited than one should be to see brand-new wood and insulation.


So now I have to wait out the agonizingly long Wisconsin winter to have a crack at any further work, let alone having our first Lucy and Desi adventure. But Luckily, Elenore gets to languish in the cozy garage at Custom RV Services, scot-free. Bring me the head of the first person who accidentally cracks one of her precious jalousie windows in the meantime.


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